Agilistix Academy Course Learning Paths

Lean Agile Foundation

By combining the fundamentals of Lean Thinking and an Agile mindset, you will discover the amazing potential that this toolkit can provide in order to maximise the flow of value delivery with agility.

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 4 Hours

Product Owner Learning Path

Often referred to as “Scrumdamentals” this course will give you a solid grounding in the basics of Scrum. Learn how Scrum works, what makes it different and why it’s so popular.

Prerequisites: AA-LAF

Duration: 4 Hours

Arguably, the work done by the Product Owner is more challenging than any other Scrum team member. This is why it is important for a product owner to have at least Agilistix Scrum Master (AA-SM) level knowledge.

Prerequisites: AA-SF

Duration: 8 Hours

Scrum Master Learning Path

Often referred to as “Scrumdamentals” this course will give you a solid grounding in the basics of Scrum. Learn how Scrum works, what makes it different and why it’s so popular.

Prerequisites: AA-LAF

Duration: 4 Hours

Not just for Scrum Masters but for all Scrum Team members, including Product Owners, Developers and anyone else who wants to leverage the benefits of early delivery of value to stakeholders and the business with Scrum.

Prerequisites: AA-SF

Duration: 8 Hours

Kanban Learning Path

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to build upon their foundational knowledge and/or experience of Kanban by focusing on maximising flow of value delivery. Unleash the true power of Kanban!

Prerequisites: AA-LAF

Duration: 4 Hours

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain foundational understanding of Kanban, with "just enough learning" to get up and running quickly.

Prerequisites: AA-KF

Duration: 8 Hours